what the most dangerous magnet in the universe, and what is its diameter!?


Introduction to the most dangerous magnet in the universe, and what is its diameter!?

 With each new discovery, the universe continues to reveal new challenges to us, and with all the technological developments we see today, there are a large number of gaps that exist in our knowledge of the ordered universe.

There are physical phenomena that have not yet been detected, occurring in the farthest corners of our galaxy, capable of arousing awe and astonishment among deep space researchers.


What is the most dangerous magnet in the universe?

The most dangerous magnet in the universe.

Today we will talk about one of these things.

 The most powerful magnet in the universe that has an amazing radioactivity, humans have encountered some of the most intense radiation we have received from deep space many times over the past 50 years.

 As is often the case with space discoveries, their source was discovered by astronomers in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine.

 Three satellites from the US Vela group, which are dedicated to monitoring nuclear tests on Earth, have detected an unusual flux of gamma rays.

 In 1992: astrophysicists assumed that this was a celestial body unknown to science, with a colossal electromagnetic radiation coefficient.

In 1998: a gamma ray burst was detected in the constellation of Vulture Aquila, and a number of measuring instruments recorded an anomaly that could not be measured at its source, which is located tens of thousands of light years away from us.

 In 2004: all the world’s telescopes dazzled for a short while, and after less than a second, every square centimeter of our solar system was exposed to a wave of gamma rays.

 The time of the largest eruption recorded in the history of all observations, and today we are closer than ever before to get our hands on the nature of this discovery. It’s the magnetar.

What is a star magnetizer?

A magnetar is a neo-trolene star with an extremely strong magnetic field, ranging in strength from ten to thirteen Tesla. 

These numbers, in turn, are trillions of times greater than the magnetic radiation present on Earth, and it is also one of the rarest phenomena that the human race has faced, and the most dangerous in a specific stage of the dying stars.

Supernova problem.

 And when a supernova explodes, one of the many scenarios regarding what happens next. Only one leads to that involving the transformation of the star into the supernova dimension.

What is russian roulette.

You must have heard of the so-called Russian roulette at least once in your life, and according to the rules of this game, one map is placed in the bullet cylinder. 

 The chance of firing a bullet after turning the cylinder is somewhat small, but when it happens, the consequences are astounding.

Whether this is the case or not, scientists are still wondering what exactly this scenario will be.

Star energy theories.

 The first theory : the star’s internal energy and its rotational energy affect the formation of the magnetar. The formation of the neutron star during a strong rotation will lead to the generation of the internal energy of this star to its rotational energy, which is very important in the first few seconds.

 A strong magnetic field, and scientists call this process the dynamo mechanism.

 But there is also another theory that says that the magnetar may be able to receive energy from another star, and scientists have discovered a magnetar that is located on the escape path from our galaxy, and most of the car stars that we know are launched on their paths as a result of supernovae, or supernova explosions that occur in binary star systems.

Supernova explosion process 

 This means that the accretion process occurs between two stars that have a common center of mass in a binary star system, where matter gradually flows from one of the two stars to the other, and this in this case constitutes a source of energy.

What are magnetites?

For a potential magnetometer, something can happen with a basketball spinning around the edge of the basket. It will fall sooner or later, but the spinning process is what predetermines the direction of the fall.

 The magnetars rotate around their axes at a very fast speed, with speeds varying between tens and thousands, but every second. At the same time, their recorded dimensions were small. As a rule, the diameter of the magnetar ranged between twenty to thirty kilometers.

 By way of comparison, the diameter of the moon is three thousand four hundred and seventy-four kilometers and this is seventeen times the diameter of the magnetar with an average diameter.

As for the mass, it is a completely different matter. The magnetar with a diameter of fifteen kilometers will be heavier than our sun, despite the small dimensions, as its internal density reaches an enormous amount, and this density is responsible for its intense magnetic radiation.

 For example ten forty-eight comma one five nine three seven is a pulsar bulgar located nine thousand light-years away from us in the base constellation Carina is a star from which a magnetar arose, its mass is thirty times greater than the mass of our sun, the matter in these stars consists of the density; so that The cap of a fountain pen weighs billions of tons, and it is only seconds that the person standing on its

 surface will be torn to shreds.


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