The small country of Holland that feeds the whole world with its bounties


A small country feeds the whole world.

  The Netherlands is a small country with a high population density, with a population density of four hundred and ninety-six people per square kilometer.

 At the time of the rescue, this country did not have many agricultural resources, but the machine needs the second place in the world in the list of the largest food supplier.

 The Netherlands does not seem like a country with a huge agricultural production, but there are many densely cultivated fields, which were established according to the latest standards in the agricultural areas of the country.

The small country of Holland that feeds the whole world with its bounties

The success of the Netherlands in the field of agriculture.

 It is difficult to find good fields. Instead, all the resources were provided for the success of the cultivation process, and thus more than half of the country was turned into agricultural land.

This was done through modern greenhouses scattered everywhere, providing sufficient warmth for various agricultural products.

The area of ​​some greenhouses dedicated to agriculture reaches seventy hectares. Those unusual farmhouses made the country, located 1,600 kilometers from the Arctic Circle, a pioneer in the field of exporting vegetables and fruits that grow in warm weather; Among them are tomatoes.

Holland agricultural products.

 The Netherlands occupies today:

 First place in the world in the export of potatoes and onions.

And second place in the supply of vegetables in general.

 It is also the world leader in exploiting modern technology to develop agriculture and animal husbandry, which made more than two thousand Dutch farmers abandon pesticides and chemicals.

 Since the year two thousand and nine, the Dutch government started a project to reduce the feeding of poultry with chemicals: by sixty percent.

The interesting thing is that the Netherlands ranks second in the world in food exports after the United States of America, although the area of ​​America is two hundred and seventy times larger than the area of ​​the Netherlands.

 The heating systems of these greenhouses allow the production of various agricultural products all year round.

Greenhouses in the Netherlands and their importance in agriculture. 

Greenhouses occupy eighty percent of the total agricultural land in the Netherlands. As for poultry farming, the demand for it increases. 

The Dutch engineers envisioned new ways to provide a suitable climate for them, and as a result the Netherlands could produce the necessary amount of white meat.

 Potato planting techniques allow farmers to get a double product in Holland. 

 There is a museum of agricultural soils, there are a thousand and two hundred different types of soil, and it is a reference for many scientific researches.

 The country’s agricultural policy contributed to improving conditions. A new agricultural policy was adopted in the Netherlands two decades ago, and today production has doubled several times, all thanks to the efforts of the university, which is considered the best university in the field of agricultural and industrial research in the world.

Holland Agricultural University.

 That university has been a key element in the development of the agricultural policy of the Netherlands in the past years through research and fruitful experiences.

 Today, a prosperous future for agriculture is being built in the Netherlands thanks to modern farms, which use various technologies to obtain high quality crops, in large quantities.

The Netherlands has the best tomato farms in the world. There, rainwater is used only in the irrigation process, to irrigate one tomato pit.

 In another country, sixty liters of water is used. But Dutch farmers do it only lightly at every watering every year.

 Old tomato bushes are discarded and new seeds are planted in order to control insects, natural methods are used.

How do holland get rid of tomato trees.

 The best way is to spread an entire army of insects, they are insects that do not eat tomatoes or leaves, but rather they infect the harmful immorality that eats tomatoes. 

In the year two thousand and sixteen, the Netherlands achieved an income of one billion seven hundred million dollars from exports of tomatoes alone.

 The Netherlands does not rely on genetically modified seeds. Everything there is natural. Farmers focus on providing consumers with a natural, package of tomato seeds that costs fifty cents, can yield a crop of sixty-eight kilograms of tomatoes, Dutch researchers are working today to provide agricultural products to the whole world.

The efforts of the Netherlands in exporting agricultural products.

This small country last year exported agricultural products worth nine billion dollars, but for the Dutch, quality matters more than quantity, due to the success of the country’s agricultural sector.

 The agricultural sector there depends on modern technology, scientific research and development costs in a group of small agricultural companies that employ about ten employees in each.

 It grew by nineteen percent in the year two thousand and eighteen, to reach eight hundred and sixty-four million dollars.

 The average growth of agricultural investment grew by eleven percent, surpassing the United States of America and Britain.

Also, since the year two thousand and seventeen, the Netherlands has advanced over many countries, to occupy the second place after Switzerland in the Global Scientific Innovation Index.

 If there is a country capable of developing agriculture more in the future, it is certainly the Netherlands.

 In the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the Netherlands used more industrial fertilizers than any other country, and this amounted to five hundred kilograms per hectare, but in the year two thousand and fourteen that fee was reduced by half.

 Today, greenhouses in the Netherlands do not depend on any kind of synthetic fertilizer.

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