A simple introduction about planet Earth .
This is the earth and you live somewhere on this planet. All you know is located on this earth, but how small the earth is when we compare it to the entire universe.
Let’s start by reducing the dimensions to where we can see our nearest cosmic neighbour.
The distance between the moon and the earth .
The Moon You might think that the Moon is very close to the Earth, since it sits high in the night sky. But the truth is that the moon is not close to our planet, and the average distance that separates it from the earth is estimated at about: three hundred and eighty-four thousand and four hundred kilometers from your location now.
It is a distance that accommodates thirty Earths and also accommodates all the planets of the solar system.
And if you somehow manage to drive a car at a constant speed of one hundred kilometers per hour, the entire distance will take one hundred and sixty days.
Despite this huge distance, twelve human feet have set foot in this place, which is considered the furthest distance that a human being has traveled outside the earth, and one of humanity’s greatest achievements.
This is what the earth would look like from there if you were sitting with those who arrived there, and if you wanted to send a message to one of them on the ground, it would take one point twenty-five percent of a second to reach the earth.
Since that is the speed at which light can travel, remember that the greatest achievement of mankind is the distance that a human being has traveled to space, which did not exceed one interval of twenty-five light seconds only.
The distance between Mars and Earth .
On average, Mars is two hundred and twenty-five million kilometers away from Earth .
But this distance can reach four hundred and one million kilometers .
This means that as soon as humanity is able to send a human to that planet, this person will be separated from the Earth by a distance of nine hundred and eighty-six times that which was between the astronauts who landed on the Moon and Earth.
In addition, the time delay in the message reaching Mars will be an average of twenty minutes in each direction, which will make communication in emergency situations impossible.
The furthest man-made object from Earth.
As we move further away, we will meet the Viagor One space probe . It is the furthest man-made object from the earth, and it is now at a distance of one hundred and thirty-eight astronomical units from the earth.
One astronomical unit is the distance between the earth and the sun.
Ayana Boyaker is at a distance from the earth that is one hundred and thirty-eight times greater than the distance between the earth and the sun, and at some point in the journey of one Voyader, she turned her camera to take this picture of the earth and it may not seem like a great thing at first glance, but I think it is the greatest picture taken in human history
This pale blue dot is the ground and I don’t think anyone said anything about this picture.
Viagor probe speed :
Infuger One is traveling at 17 kilometers per second, but even at that speed it will not leave our solar system for thirty thousand years. After its exit from our solar system, it will reach our stellar neighborhood, and here we will convert to the unit of measurement for a light year.
It is the distance that light travels in a full Earth year.
It is approximately nine point four hundred and sixty-one trillion kilometers .
Where is the centaur star located?
The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is located here and is the closest star to us. Except for our Sun, it is located four twenty-four light-years away from Earth.
Let us implement this clearly, and put things on the right track: if you keep going according to the appointed place, it will take seventy thousand years to reach it . In other words, if you drive your car at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour, as in our previous example towards the moon, the time required to reach the nearest centaur will be six times greater. times the age of the universe.
And the closest centaur will not be there when you reach it, and when we go further we can see our galaxies hitting the entire Milky Way and in it the Earth is completely located here, and this yellow point exclusively represents the farthest extent of a radio signal in the history of mankind.
This means that any extraterrestrial beings living outside this range will be completely human and silent.
The length of the Milky Way
But the entire galaxy extends for more than a hundred thousand light-years from end to end.
There are more than a hundred billion stars and more than a hundred billion planets inside our galaxy, but if you have never seen the grandeur of our entire galaxy at night, because ninety-nine percent of the stars that you can see with the naked eye are confined to this small region.
Here, this giant galaxy, with its majesty, is nothing compared to what is outside it, so reduce it further to reach the Local Group of Galaxies;
Local Galactic Group
The Local Group of Galaxies is a group of fifty-four different galaxies. It extends over a distance or diameter of up to ten million light years.
We’ll be able to see the Virgo Galactic Supercluster.
The Local Group of Galaxies here is a small part of it. In this cluster, there are at least a hundred Local Groups that are similar to ours.
As for the diameter of this cluster, it is a number that will surprise us, that it is one hundred and ten million light years .
The Great Laniaka Cluster.
But even the Virgo Cluster Aleph is nothing but a very small lobe located inside the Great Laniakia Cluster, a gigantic structure that forms the home of our galaxy, as well as a hundred thousand other galaxies.
The diameter of this cluster is five hundred and twenty million light years .
Hey, it’s not over. If we continue minimizing from here to the entire observable universe, we will see that the great Laniakia cluster is only a very small and negligible part of everything. This is the entire observed universe.
And it contains everything we know, it is the place of a trillion different galaxies that contain within it more stars than there are grains of sand on Earth.
The distance between the Earth and any observable part of the universe is forty-five and a half billion light-years, which means that the entire diameter of the observed universe from Earth is ninety-three billion light-years.
What is outside the universe?
As for what robs us of more than that, it is what is outside the bounds of the observed universe!! You should always remember that the observable universe is all we can see now.
It is very likely that the rest of the universe outside it is much larger and more amazing than we could ever imagine.
We simply do not know what is outside this field, because the light from those abyssal places has not yet had enough time in the history of the universe to reach us. Also, the light of some places may not reach us on earth at all, because some parts of the universe are very far from the earth, and they are moving away from us at a faster speed than light, and this means that the light coming from these places will never reach the earth in a time whose value is not literally comprehended.
This means that even if humanity lived trillions of years, there would still be a number of unknown places in the universe that we will never know, or have never seen.
Therefore, it is possible that the vastness of the universe, as it seems, exceeds our imagination, and the observable universe may not exceed only a very small part of the entire universe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Big Bang Theory.
According to the theory of cosmic inflation proposed by the doctor, if we assume that cosmic inflation began ten to thirty-seven parts of a second after the Big Bang, and if we assume that the size of the universe before the start of inflation was equal to its age multiplied by the speed of light, this will indicate that the size of the universe is affected at the present time One hundred and fifty times larger than the observed universe.
And this reference number takes the doubt to the next one hundred and fifty, followed by twenty-one zeros to the right, and let’s leave this number with its many issues and its affairs a little. This will be like imagining that the observed universe and all you can see from it is an electric bulb to realize after that that the entire universe is bigger than the planet Pluto.
Here, imagine an electric bulb in the middle of the planet Pluto, but we are inside this bulb and we do not know anything about the existence of Pluto outside this bulb, and this is a representation of the situation completely.
We are negligible in relation to the size of the universe, but you should be concerned, as it all
means there is a lot to discover together.